Conference Schedule

* Contributed Talks - MONDAY AM** Symposia - MONDAY PM
1. Animal Cognition 1 (auditorium)1. How social behaviour can impact individual health and fitness (auditorium)
2. Animal Communication 1 (room B)2. Integrating male mate choice, female competition and female ornaments (room B)
3. Spatial behavior, navigation and migration (room C1)3. Animal welfare and conservation breeding: synergies and challenges (room C1)
4. Genes and Behaviour (room C2)4. Art as a human behaviour: challenges and prospects forty years on (room C2)
5. Animal personality and behavioural syndromes (room D)5. Evolvability and plasticity of behaviour: using cichlid fishes as model systems (room E)
6. Mate choice (room E)6. Comparative cognition across avian taxa (room F1)
7. Cooperation 1 (room F1)7. Learning to avoid: what do the studies on aposematism and mimicry tell us about cognition of predators? (room F2)
8. Predator-prey interactions (room F2)
* Contributed Talks - TUESDAY AM** Symposia - TUESDAY PM
9. Animal Cognition 2 (auditorium)8. Mental time travel in non-human animals (auditorium)
10. Sexual selection and mating behavior 1 (room B)9. Parental care and the dynamic genome (room B)
11. Evolution of behaviour and life-histories (room C1)10. When (if ever) do signals need to be costly to be honest? (room C1)
12. Neuroethology (room C2)11. Social dynamics and the speciation process: from initiation of divergence to reproductive isolation (room C2)
13. Conservation and Behavioural Ecology 1 (room D)12. Animal cultures: field studies in social learning (room E)
14. Cooperation 2 (room E)13. The evolution of social complexity: using cichlid fishes as model systems (room F1)
15. Camouflage and mimicry (room F1)14. How to survive in extreme environments? Behavioral and physiological adjustments of mammals living in arid and semiarid habitats (room F2)
16. Human Behaviour (room F2)
* Contributed Talks - WEDNESDAY AM** Symposia - WEDNESDAY PM
17. Sexual selection and mating behavior 2 (auditorium)15. Intraspecific variation in cognitive traits (auditorium)
18. Social learning (room B)16. Molecular and neural control of sexually dimorphic social behaviors (room B)
19. Sensory Biology (room C1)17. Sexual selection on motor displays (room C1)
20. Conservation and Behavioural Ecology 2 (room C2)18. Experimental behavioral field studies in neotropical primates: advances, challenges, and perspectives (room C2)
21. Development and Early-life effects on behavior (room D) 19. Effects of oxytocin on social behavior in fish and mammals (room E)
22. Animal Communication 2 (room E)20. Behavior under visual conspicuousness - modesty or even more bragging? (room F1)
23. Social Evolution (room F1)21. Behavioural measures of animal welfare (room F2)
24. Foraging behavior (room F2)
* Contributed Talks - Thursday AM** Symposia - Thursday PM
25. Social Cognition and Theory of Mind (auditorium)22. Avian cognition (auditorium)
26. Acoustic communication (room B)23. Developmental plasticity as a driver of adaptation to environmental change (room B)
27. Parental care (room C1)24. Flexibility and learning in insect behaviour (room C1)
28. Maternal effects (room C2)25. Computational approaches to animal camouflage (room C2)
29. Hormones and Behaviour (room D)26. Host-pathogen interaction: from sociality to susceptibility (room E)
30. Social Networks and Collective behavior (room E)27. The diverse relevance of animal behavior for human cognition (room F1)
31. Contest behavior (room F1)28. Fish uses in behavioral neurosciences: from stress to sociality (room F2)
32. Inter-species interactions (room F2)
* Contributed Talks - Friday AM** Symposia - Friday PM
33. Animal Emotions (room E)29. The interplay of cooperation and conflict on cognition (auditorium)
34. Animal Culture, Teaching and Tool use (room F1)30. Understanding how pathogens transmit and their effects on host behavior (room B)
35. Animal Welfare (room F2)31. Pathways in social evolution (room C1)
32. Hormones and behavior: advancing our understanding of hormone-behaviour relationships through investigations of individual variation room C2)
33. How mating behaviour affects competition for mates (room D)

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